
In a continuing effort to promote access to justice, the Louisiana Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal has launched a web-based portal called eAccess. eAccess provides 24 x 7 online access to case records and documents that are unrestriced and open to the public. eAccess is available to the public, attorneys, government users, media, and litigants. Case documents will be available for a fee.

You must first register with the court and are allowed a per-document use costs, purchasing and viewing documents, FAQs, and general use how-to's.

Benefits of registering
  • Provides online access to court case data and documents, 24x7.
  • Provides a safe, secure, and easy option to purchase court case documents
  • Reduces the amount of time or resources used to travel to the courthouse by offering a more efficient way to access the case data and documents.
  • Registering for an account allows a registrant to get notified of cases that you have signed up or filed for.

Please note: eAccess will not provide access to any document that is sealed or restricted by law, rule, or court order.

Choose how you would like to register below:

If you are an attorney who wants to file case documents electronically, register for an attorney account.
Services Provided: eAccess, eNotification, eFiling
Register for a non-attorney account if you are not an attorney who wants access to case(s) for purchase.
Services Provided: eAccess and eNotification
Important Notice about eCourt

The case information contained within this web site is generated from computerized records maintained by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal and is deemed to be public information. While every effort is made to assure the data is accurate and current, it must be accepted and used by the recipient with the understanding that no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, reliability or suitability of this data have been made.
Access to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal's eCourt site by a site data harvester or any similar software intended to discover and extract data from a website through automated, repetitive querying for the purpose of collecting such data is expressly prohibited.

Please Note: This site provides remote access to basic case information. It can be viewed by any member of the public, parties to cases, researchers, journalists, etc. It allows court users to see the status of a case and to report any potential errors to the court. Be careful in your use and interpretation of the case and party information. Many people and entities have the same or similar names or titles, and the case docket does not always contain enough information to accurately identify a specific individual. Misunderstanding, misinterpretation or misidentifying a party or case information can lead to unintended harmful outcomes to innocent people. Misuse of public information with a discriminatory outcome can be actionable.

Internet Public Access

Supported Browsers: Internet Explorer, Version 7 or higher; Firefox; Chrome

Contact / Suggestions

For more information about eCourt, technical assistance or suggestions, contact the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal at (504) 376-1400, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM.

Login Information

Email Address:

Need Help?

If you need assistance, please contact the Clerk's Office at (504) 376-1400. Assistance is available between 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays.

If you are submitting an emergency filing after hours that requires immediate attention, the court must be notified by calling (504) 376-1470, or your filing will not be processed until regular business hours.

Upcoming Events

  • 3/31/2025 - COURT
  • 4/1/2025 - COURT
  • 4/18/2025 - GOOD FRIDAY
  • 5/6/2025 - COURT
  • 5/7/2025 - COURT
  • 5/26/2025 - MEMORIAL DAY
  • 6/11/2025 - COURT
  • 7/4/2025 - INDEPENDENCE DAY
  • 7/9/2025 - COURT
  • 8/6/2025 - COURT