As of January 1, 2015, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal is allowing members in good standing of the Louisiana State Bar Association, to file documents electronically without physically coming to the courthouse. Any eFiled submission(s) to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeal will be processed by our Clerk's Office as would any hard copy filing. Any electronically filed document received by the Court on or after midnight (i.e., 12:00 A.M.) will be file stamped on the next court business day. Any questions about the efiling processing should be directed to our Clerk's Office at (504) 376-1400.
NOTE: This is a reminder that if you have registered for eCourt, you will have access to eFile and have the option to get eNotified. If you have opted to get eNotified, you will receive all docketing notices, orders, opinions, and other notices about appeals in which you are counsel of record through e-mail from our eCourt System. Please make sure e-mails from do not go to trash or your spam mail folder.
It is your responsibility to keep your e-mail address up-to-date in your profile so that you will receive your email notification from our eCourt System.
What is eFiling?
eFiling is another approach of filing papers with the court electronically instead of delivering or mailing a document to the court.
What are the benefits of efiling to the court and to attorneys?
Benefits to the Court
eFiling reduces the time it takes for the court to process filings, as compared to filings that are mailed or delivered. Cuts down on the cost of storing paper documents. Having court records on an electronic database allows court staffs and judges (as well as eCourt registrants) better access to case documents.
Benefits for the Attorney(s)
- Convenient
- Flexible
- Cost Effective
- Secure
- Easy Access: Available 24/7.
- Receive instant email updates
- View Case Information
- Case Search
- Generate Reports
NOTE: If you eFiled your document successfully to our court, it is NOT necessary to followup with a hard copy of the document. If you have any questions regarding hard copies, please contact the Clerk's office during our regular business hours.
Filing Fee Schedule
* A preliminary $200 hold will be placed on your card pending determination of filing type and applicable filing fee(s).
File Format
Documents must be submitted as PDF. Please be sure your documents are legible with clear images before eFiling. Documents that do not meet these requirements will not be accepted. Any original documents that are on colored paper and/or onion skin or other non-standard white bond paper should be copied on your copier and then the COPY should be scanned for your eFile document image. Colored or other material paper generates a lower quality, larger-sized image.
NOTE: Please refer to the Terms of Use for information regarding efiling documents by clicking here.